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          當前位置: 首頁 - 通知公告 - 校園公告 - 正文


          時間:2022-06-01  作者:  點擊:




          《財務管理》課程于2021年8月立項為貴州省興黔富民行動計劃精品開放課程建設,已建成豐富的線上+線下教學資源,包括在線開放課程(http://192. 168. 76. 252:3030/ukt)、電子教案、多媒體課件、習題庫、實踐教學平臺等,學生在學習中通過角色扮演,模擬資金、營運、成本、績效等崗位開展工作,并能立足財務視角,挖掘財務管理的真諦。



          Financial Management course introduction

          “Financial Management” as the professional core course of the Big Data and Accounting major, This course is based on financial professional activities and professional post, and the teaching team constantly explore the curriculum reform, innovation of teaching methods, docking the real-life enterprise financial work. Set the teaching content modular structure for financing, investment, operations, financial analysis, etc., and blends the national vocational colleges accounting skills competition standard and the financial Shared 1+X certificate standard in the course to enable students to intuitively understand the working process of the Financial Management, and to master the Financial Management theoretical knowledge and necessary skills. Task-driven and practical training are carried out in combination with the situational simulation practice platform to improve students' professional skills and qualities in accounting positions.

          “Financial management” course, set up in August 2021 in the Construction of High-quality Open Course in “Development of Guizhou Province” Project, has established the rich teaching resources online and off-line, including online open courses (http://192. 168. 76. 252:3030/ukt), electronic lesson plans, multimedia courseware, data base, practice teaching platform, etc., Working through role-playing, simulating the work of funds, operations, costs, performance and other positions, students can gain the true meaning of Financial Management from a financial perspective.

          The course team follows the industry changes and the development and application of new technology to updating teaching ideas and to reform teaching methods to blend the intelligent accounting, financial sharing, big data analysis, chain blocks into the teaching process, which can help students to develop financial thinking, digital thinking. Meanwhile, pay attention to leading the cultivation of the value of honesty and perfecting their professional quality.



          地址:貴州省六盤水市鐘山區鐘山大道西段1119號  技術支持:六盤水職業技術學院

          貴公網安備 52020102520216號    ICP備案號:黔ICP備05002623號

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