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          時間:2022-06-01  作者:  點擊:









          Introduction to the course “Marketing Theory and Practice”

          “Marketing Theory and Training”, the course team teachers continue to reform and innovate, broaden their horizons, and update marketing knowledge in the Internet age, reform teaching methods, organically integrate practical links into the teaching process, and cultivate students’ professional ability and comprehensive quality.

          “Marketing Theory and Practice” has formed a complete high-quality online open course teaching system, with abundant and complete teaching resources, including course electronic teaching plans, multimedia courseware, animation, micro-course video collection, online case question bank, exercise question bank, etc. The teachers of the course team use the Internet and multimedia technology to scientifically plan online learning resources, and carry out various forms of teaching that combine online learning with classroom teaching.

          Here are an excellent open course URL:


          The course “Marketing Theory and Training” sets up typical marketing tasks such as market analysis, market positioning, and marketing strategy formulation, and relies on the marketing practice teaching platform to carry out comprehensive marketing training based on the situational marketing module, so that students can understand the essentials of professional knowledge more deeply and improve their vocational skills.

          Figure 1: E-commerce training room

          Figure 2: Marketing practice teaching platform

          Figure 3: Marketing simulation sandbox training

          Figure 4: Marketing and promotion training

          地址:貴州省六盤水市鐘山區鐘山大道西段1119號  技術支持:六盤水職業技術學院

          貴公網安備 52020102520216號    ICP備案號:黔ICP備05002623號

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